About Us
We are a non-profit 501c3 Corporation.
Our purpose is to operate as a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-partisan charitable organization; to participate in philanthropic, civic, educational and cultural endeavors; and to promote friendship.
We, the International SILVERLINERS, stand for good friendship, for the maintenance of high standards, and for serving our communities.
All business is conducted on a volunteer basis by our members.
What Makes Us Unique
What Makes Us a Unique Flight Attendant Association
Three Eastern Air Lines Flight Attendants founded Silverliners 70 years ago. Their goal was to meet, share their flying stories, enjoy friendships, and help others less fortunate. Word spread and chapters were formed across the Eastern seaboard that grew to chapters forming across the entire country.
Our "uniqueness" came about when Silverliners began welcoming Flight Attendants from ALL airlines. We now have a membership representing 102 airlines. We continue to work together as "crew" to serve our communities' less fortunate population. Our last count was 60+ charity organizations supported by Silverliners Chapters across the USA.
Our Destination
Who We Are Today
Our strength lies in our unwavering commitment to helping those less fortunate as well as each other when needed. We recognize our common bond as cabin crew and our desire to assist charities in our communities while nurturing old and forming new friendships. We take enjoyment from sharing our stories from so many airlines while planning and executing our charitable works. Our destination is the continuation of the growth of this one-of-a-kind, all-inclusive, always professional organization.
YES! We have fun!
Our International Charity
Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Silverliners International continues to donate to this heartfelt charity. Paul Newman's dream in founding the HITWGC was to give seriously ill children "a different kind of healing" as they continue to navigate their challenges. The cabins in the camp are designed with universal access in mind, so all campers can feel comfortable and at home.
The Camp has a sophisticated infirmary, and as much as possible medications, etc. are brought to the campers where they are.
The Camp also has wonderful programs for the parents and families of the children. It has expanded to locations across the USA and initiated programs to help the children and their families smile, while in the hospital.
Silverliners International teamed with Paul Newman to build a cabin at the original camp located in Connecticut and continues with pride to donate.
Be sure to click on the FaceBook link to the HITWGC page to learn more about their expanding work.
Photograph Copyright Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.
Faces and Places
Faces from our Chapter's philanthropic work.
The smiling faces of our members and our charity recipients as they come together with joy.
Our Chapter's charities will be rotated on this page.
* Facebook links will take you to the Chapter's FB page.
About Our Chapters
Every member belongs to Silverliners International, then each member chooses which Chapter to join.
Each Chapter chooses its own local charities to assist.
We currently have Chapters across the USA supporting 60+ community charities.
(the nearest city and area is noted beside the chapter)
ATL - Atlanta Area
Our chapter donates to the Calvary Children's Home.
BOS - Boston Area
Our charity is Silent Spring Institute, a scientific research organization dedicated to uncovering the environmental causes of breast cancer. Our funds are raised by 50/50 raffles at all meetings.
CLT - Charlotte Area
We donate to several charities. At Christmas time we participate in the Samaritans' Purse Shoebox Drive and the Hole in the Wall Camp. We have two new charities: Welcome Home Veterans and the Rose House for Women's Recovery a division of Christian Recovery Center.
DCA - Nation's Capitol area Our charities are Women Giving Back, the Patrick Henry Family Shelter, Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.
EWR - Newark/Philadelphia Area
We discussed an upcoming fundraiser at the charity we had chosen, and I registered our Silverliners team. There were about $100 in contributions toward our team effort to Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside, New Jersey. The Children's Specialized Hospital has 13 locations within New Jersey and specializes in treating numerous childhood ailments and accident victims.
FEC - Destin/Fort Walton/Pensacola Area
We hasve two charities - Ronald McDonald House in Pensacola and Special Olympics. Special Olympics was founded in Fort Walton Beach. The Toys for Tots and the Jag was a special Christmas charity we support through the fire department.
FGC - Tampa Bay Area
Southeastern Guide Dogs is our main charity. We have raised over $20,000.00 for this year's contribution. These dogs are bred, raised, trained, and placed with Veterans, Gold Star families, the visually impaired, and handicapped children. They rely on donations and receive no funding from government or any other source. Our chapter also donates to Toys for Tots and various Disaster Relief Funds.
FLL - Fort Lauderdale Area
Our group continues to meet monthly for lunch at different restaurants and homes throughout the county. Our December Holiday lunch was at the Lauderdale Yacht Club on the Intracoastal waterway (graciously hosted by Ft. Lauderdale chapter Secretary, Jan Gerner). Many toys and toiletries were collected for our charity, Mental Health America of Southeast Florida. The toys were distributed to the children in the Family Voices Program and the toiletries were given to members of the 9 Muses Drop-in Art Center, a working art studio. The studio is open to all and free to anyone with a mental health diagnosis (which is one in four people these days).
HH/SAV - Hilton Head/Savannah Area
We have 11 airlines represented in our chapter– Eastern, TWA, Delta, ONA, National, AA, NWA, BOAC, United, People Express, and US Air.
Our charity is Union Mission Parker’s House, which is a 32-bed facility, serving women experiencing homelessness in Savannah.
JAX - Jacksonville Area
One Silverliner, Mary Golly, and her husband happened to be aboard a ship sailing out of Amsterdam in July of 2023. At dinner, they met a couple who lived in Jacksonville. It turned out that their table mate, Jason Howard worked as a career technology education specialist and Ft. Worth High School in Jacksonville, focused on special needs children.
Mary asked about the special needs in which he specialized. He shared that every once in a while, they have fundraising, to which Mary said, to let her know when and if there would be a fundraiser. He emailed her two months later about a girl named Amber who needed a specialized wheelchair for her athletic endeavors. It was presented to our members at the local Silverliners luncheon and everyone attending agreed to fund the $1900 plus amount towards this wheelchair. February 24th, she competed and made third place with a 19-minute mile and was gleeful for the ability to do so. She was so happy to be able to be part of this race. This was a huge milestone for her. As Silverliners, we are proud to have given her that opportunity through our fundraising.
KEYS - Florida Keys
Key West Flight to the North Pole took place with over 600 island kids!
We presented a check for $300.00 to our community Coast Guard. We also donated to the Key West High School track team. Key West Silverliners is supporting soccer travel student Bella Edwards with a monetary donation. We also donate gifts for foster children at Christmas and Easter.
LAS - Las Vegas Area
We volunteer for Miracle Flights which provide commercial flights for children needing medical procedures outside of their hometowns. Our members donated 106 hours to the Miracle Flights Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony charity over Christmas.
LAX - Los Angeles Area We have chosen to support Angel Flights West as our charity. Angel Flights West is a network of volunteer pilots who provide free medical transport to those in need.
MCO - Orlando Area We donated to Loads of Smiles, a charity for medically complex children. We also donate to Toys for Tots.
MSP - Minnesota/St. Paul Area
Our local charity is Toys for Tots.
NH/ME - New Hampshire/Maine
We are a new chapter and this year donated to the Salvation Army over Christmas.
MOT - Detroit Area This chapter was the first to start the Flight to the North Pole for seriously ill children. They continue to focus their charitable works on this special charity.
OMA - Omaha We just completed our 39th Flight to the North Pole with more than 80 children from local Special Needs schools.
PHX - Phoenix, AZ area
Our two charities are Saving Amy, an educational and working assistance shelter for those transitioning to a furnished home, and Circle the City, a temporary medical rehab center for veterans. We also contribute to Toys for Tots at Christmas.
PBI - Palm Beach In October, we served an “Oktoberfest” dinner for the caretakers of injured military veterans. The service members have a variety of disabilities such as Traumatic Brain Injuries. The caretakers—usually wives or parents of the injured veteran—come to Jupiter, FL for a break in their duties. It is our honor to annually participate in their fun and rehab for a few days. This Charity, Warriors Renewal Coalition, (www.warriorsrenewalcoalition.org) was brought to our chapter by member Diane Testa and her husband Rich. We also conduct an annual Christmas Toy Drive for Toys for Tots.
SCC - Space Coast This past year we raised funds of approximately $491 and donated 32 pairs of pajamas for underprivileged children in Brevard County for Christmas.
SEA - Seattle/Tacoma Area In November we had a successful Toy Drive with all donated gifts going to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital in Tacoma, WA.
SFO - San Francisco Bay Area We had our raffle at our April luncheon and some of the proceeds will be sent to the Maui Relief Fund to help the elderly and uninsured.
SOCAL - Southern California Area Our charity is Angel Flights West. Angel Flights West is a network of volunteer pilots who provide free medical transport to those in need.
SWF - South West Florida/Fort Myers Area
Our charity is Bikes for Tykes. Their mission is to strengthen communities through the gift of bicycles to children to promote healthy living in childhood and beyond. We raise money through 50/50 draws at our meetings and the sale of homemade items at craft fairs.
TLH - Tallahassee/Florida's Capital City We support the Wolf Creek (no kill) Animal Shelter as well as Wings for Change, an African charity initiated by one of our members, plus the Eastern Flt. 401 Memorial Monument.
TUS - Tucson, AZ Area
Our two charities are Soldiers Best Friend and Tucson Medical Hospital to which we gave toys at Christmas.
VIL - The Villages Florida
When choosing our charities for the year, we unanimously decided once again to equally give to Ashley’s House through the Villagers for Veterans, to Forward Paths Foundation, and The Haven. In addition, we earmarked a contribution to the Hugs Fund and the Hole in the Wall Gang.
Our Next Conference
You asked, we listened, you voted.
Planning is in the works for next April 2025 for a cruise out of Fort Lauderdale. The ship is the Celebrity Silhouette.
For all details and booking info go to our Conferences website:
Convention/Conferences Photos
Photos from our latest event in Hilton Head.
Thank you ATL Chapter for hosting us.
A look-back at the fun we had at the last Convention or Conference.
Thank you to Our Partners
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Sponsor Us and Become Our Partner
Silverliners International is offering a meaningful partnership opportunity that can expand your customer base by enhancing your brand visibility while supporting our special causes. We ask for your help as a sponsor or advertiser to continue our philanthropic endeavors. Advertising or sponsoring can attract new customers and bolster public image along with having a positive impact on many communities!
Silverliners International is a 501c3 organization whose members are current or former flight attendants. Our members currently represent over 100 airlines. Silverliners International was started 70 years ago.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. We hope to hear from you soon.
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Come Fly with Us!
Every member is someone who had the where-with-all to actually apply to be a stewardess /flight attendant. And more special still...they were successful ... they were CHOSEN ... from hundreds of applicants. VERY SPECIAL indeed. We all were chosen to do the best, most envied job in the world. We worked in the sky. We became Flight Attendants (Stewardesses) and suddenly had a new identity. This identity carried a degree of prestige and was looked up to by almost everyone. Then for many of our members for different, individual reasons, that special career ended. Do you miss it more now than you ever did? Do you miss the "feel" of the aircraft inflight? Do you miss the creaks and groans and even turbulence? Do you miss the smells - the Eau de Boeing, as we called it, which permeated our hair, our uniforms and even our souls? We were "CREW" - a true TEAM who worked together, played together, supported each other, dined together, shopped together and bonded, like in no other profession except perhaps the military. We faced bad weather, aircraft mechanicals, delays, some awful passengers, sometimes fear…all together as CREW. Those of us who flew prior to the last decade had no cell phones, so, as when we embarked on a nine-day pairing, away from home, we consoled our crew members who may have had a fight with their spouse before leaving, or was a new mother, or those who may have had an ill relative, or were once again, missing Christmas, or special family occasions.
Yes - we were CREW. And "that" will never leave us…ever. Sadly, wistfully, for many of us those days are long gone…but not if you are a Silverliner. By joining this organization with back-end CREW from over 102 airlines, we again renew and retain our CREW status. We work together for humanitarian causes, charities and endless support of each other. We are CREW - Silverliners' Crew and we help others. We "serve" our community charities and each other. By joining Silverliners you have this opportunity to remain as crew, to once again enjoy the camaraderie, the new friends, the aviation history and the very real opportunity to do good for others ... as CREW. Our annual membership for International is just $50 per year which gives you an Annual Directory and two incredible magazines. For those not living in an area where a chapter is located, you would become a member of our Coast to Coast Chapter. As specific areas of the CCC chapter have grown, we have formed new chapters in those locations. If you are located in an area of an existing chapter, local chapters set their local dues. Such a small price to be part of a truly unique Organization.
We Invite YOU to Join Us!​
Membership and expansion are always of primary concern to the Executive Board. Silverliners is open to all former and current flight attendants. For further information regarding membership in this exciting and diverse group, please email your request to: thesilverliners@myyahoo.com and put ATTN: Membership in the subject line. Please include your contact information and someone will be in touch with you. You’ll be glad that you did!
We hope you will join us and we can say WELCOME ABOARD! ​
Fill out the form below, press "SUBMIT" and you will be hearing from us very shortly.
Silverliners International